Infodev EDI

If you want to count passengers real time with superb accuracy at a compartment or train level stay on this page.

If you want to count standing passengers, seats occupied and objects click this link to see Infodev EDI AIIM Technology
On Train Represents Infodev in the UK and Ireland

Why Count Passengers?

INFODEV EDI  Automatic Passenger Counting systems and data will help your management team improve the planning and scheduling of your transit. 

An APC system also allows your company to reallocate resources to meet actual demand and to monitor and forecast trends in usage and ridership. INFODEV EDI’s APC can provide you with crucial data, information and insight that gives you an accurate picture of your ridership.

Automatic Passenger Counting Systems :-
Measure your agency’s success with reliable ridership figures
Provide you with tomorrow's reporting information
Justify changes to services
Revenue sharing

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Real-Time Solutions

Infodev EDI are proud to have delivered the world’s first real-time compartment occupancy based on passenger counting technology. 

This video shows how the client and passengers have welcomed real-time passenger information and how this can be used for maximum benefit off train. The smartphone app is particularly popular since it enables passengers to see, in real time, how full or empty each part of the incoming train is. They can also see this information in real time on giant displays installed on every platform.

Benefits of Infodev APC systems
  • Modular, Flexible and Simple Architecture 
  • Factory-Calibrated Sensor Assemblies
  • Easy Installation and Maintenance
  • Most Accurate Passenger Counting Technology on the Market
  • Small, Robust and Reliable
  • Competitive Prices and Best Life Cycle Cost
  • Produce User-Friendly Reports and Graphs
  • Discreet and Aesthetic
  • Vandal-Proof

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